Saturday, April 30, 2016

Yoga Notes 2016.4.8 - 10

How to get peaceful mind?

What's your focus (everytime during practice)?
When we let go, we can attain peaceful mind.

  1. Identification
  2. Understanding
  3. Accepting
  4. Move on  
Mind is like water. It can turn into different forms and quality. How we associate the mind, body and breath will make us receive different senses and form different forms of mind.

Frustration, depression and upset feeling come when you couldn't do something. Understand why and accept it and move on. Always prepare your mind for the whole process.

Weak Muscles?

The definition of weak muscles is relative with which posture you are doing.All Asanas access every parts of body in all aspects but they may penetrate different level or sides in a same part. So we need to address your weaker parts according your body condition.

Attain a balance practice

There should be a balance practice. And we must know the value of practice which is how you value and how much effort you put on your practice.

For example: Identify your tiredness, you start to rejuvenate your body. It's a process how you overcome your challenge. You shouldn't have a sense of feeling of irritation while it should be grateful. And also find the balance between satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Involvement + joy = Gain energy from your practice

When tiredness shows up, we can try to cross our limit and gain some energy to move on. Refreshing your body is a way how you challenge your limitation.

Asana is not for weak person. Keep on practicing and you should be getting stronger. Yoga makes body function more effective and increase mental strength. The energy flow includes confidence, positive thinking and strength of mind.

Division of Society

While doing every things, we should bring passive, calm and peaceful mind into them. Be a neutral person who understand the inevitable life

A lot of division exist along the way we grow up. (Gender, countries, cultures...etc.) We can't hate anyone because spiritual way will go to the opposite way because the true nature of life is love but nothing. Try to stop your expectation about the external world (work, family, people ...etc) and start to change your internal world.

Don't expect anything or you will face situation like disappointment, frustration or anger. Clarity comes and ignorance will move away. Short cut never exists in spiritual journey. To get rid of your ego is the whole idea of yoga.

Short discussion about Iyengar yoga

Iyengar yoga is like having a slogan "Everyone can yoga" according to their condition. (Imitation of Air Asia slogan - everyone can fly)

There is always an unique way for yourself. You can modify every postures according your body conditions and it will change with time. Body is the living reason for the modification.

Why we use props?
  1. Improve the pose
  2. get support from the props
  3. We need the props (Disabled/Injuries)
Slowly we will learn the purpose of doing each pose. Understand the role and play the role.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

27 April 2016 Sequence 11

Adho mukha svanasana 
thigh hamstring and sometimes unconsciously use too much strength of lower back when I trying to lengthen my spine.I felt more comfortable after I release that part.

Utthita Trikonasana – Virabhadrasana -Utthita parsvakonasana 
– each side 30 seconds – when you go right side, left foot outer edge pressing against wall, give block support for your bottom palms – second time doing without any support. 
after the first time did with foot outer edge pressing against wall, it was easier to feel the heel of back leg and became more able to align the hip.

Virabhadrasana III -
 I started to be able to feel the back leg pushing back and it helped to feel my hip of back leg and align it better. (compare to the past experience)

Parivrtta Trikonasana 
The height of block I need is getting lower. Stabilize the hip and do the twisting become easier than before. 

Salamba sarvangasana 
 I find a better center line to enter salamba sarvangasana but can't stay for too long, the hands still supported a lot of weight and felt numb sometimes. So I went to halasana for few times and enter salamba saravangasana again.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Yoga Notes 2016.1.30

Discussion about what god is?

What is the purpose or intention of chanting?
Why do people pray to elephant god?

There are thousand of gods in Hindu System. God is not something different? God is everything. God is not what people imagine which sitting there and manage people. God manifest everything inner and outer. That's why god involve in everything includes stone, animal or any kinds of objects. So what's god? Isn't god has power?

To understand the relationship between god and human being, there must be a system and this is the practice. As a conclusion, you are not different person from god.

We are not meant to seek for god and look for solution. Instead, Yoga is practical to know body and mind. When we talk about pain, emotion or thought, all the experience help us to know them. We follow a teacher who has attained the state of mind and truth will be revealed. A right master or teacher is just a person lead us to cross the bridge.Belief or trust ... we all try to find the clarity along the way. You have to wait if the things you see is illogical.

Open your mind and listen, All the words a teacher give are choices. When someone think it's a religion , the identification and emotion will keep them aside their brain. But they should do is to clarify and see without judgement. They should explore and analyze and not simply accept. At the end, they should connect to their own understanding.

Discussion about Mantra and Praying

People may chant mantra to seek for blessing to remove the obstacles. Unless a person understand the whole system (of god with different background) only he or she can accept. Different gods have different duties.

Mantra is symbolical. The system relates and links to human body, mind and daily life. It is more important that how's your thought process links to god. 

Different Kinds of people who pray ~
  1. trying to connect with unknown power and find the comfort.
  2. pray for well-being
  3. pray when they have trouble
  4. be pray-fully.they think they have good connection with god.
    (they may just start to question god when something goes wrong, and even worse they start to abandon god.)
  5. 95%99% don't know what they are praying.
When we have more clarity, we will have more understanding and awareness. Yoga is not just for beautiful posture.

Human mind ( psychological) when they need god

  1. Fear
  2. want to survive
  3. desire to archive something
  4. look for and to hold something
  5. get some support
  6. emotional support
  7. beyond their capacity or their power
Example: Girl looks husband like hero at first (just a joke XP)
Seeking things from outside is nature of human being.

The way to pray will slowly change with maturity. 
  1. Positive mind
  2. Confident (with courage, gratitude and hope)
  3. Stress relieve and gain some support
  4. Get control of emotion.
  5. awareness increases (because you connect with your mind)
  6. become more accepting person than a demanding person. 
We are not looking for an answer from god.Instead, We start to look for what kind of mind state and lifestyle we want and we practice to face the limitation of life and day to day challenges.We will learn to look for help, solution in the form of prayer and understanding the nature of god and the life. We also understand what kind of life we want and how to improve it. Attitude is important for every human being.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Dharma Artha Kama Moksha (2016.4.25 翻譯中)

Dharma Artha Kama Moksha

Millenia ago, seers in the ancient Eastern tradition articulated the blueprint for the fulfillment of the objectives of human birth as was shown to them in the highest supreme levels of consciousness. The Supreme Self pervades and exists in all dimensions in all beings, sentient and insentient. It is that Supreme Self that exists inside each individual self, in each individual person. And therefore every individual person is none other than the Supreme Self, for how can the part be different from the whole.

In order for an individual to realize their supreme Self, they need to identify the reasons and objectives why they came into being on this earth plane, and fulfill them. The ancient seers clearly articulated the objectives of humankind as "Purusharthas" -- 'Purusha' means an individual or person, and 'Artha' means meaning or objective or pursuit. They articulated four Purusharthas as:

Dharma : Righteousness, Duty
Artha : Wealth
Kama : Desire
Moksha : Liberation
The four purusharthas are really the objectives of God, of the Supreme Self, the qualities of God. And since an individual person is a reflection of God, is a part of God, it is the rightful pursuit of a person to fulfill these four purusharthas. In fact, it is both your individual and soul purpose.

An individual can realize him or herself by balancing and fulfilling these four objectives. These four objectives are not independent of each other and should not be viewed in a stand-alone manner. They define and refine the other objectives and allow the other objectives to define and refine itself. The activity of fulfilling one objective should also support the fulfillment of the other objectives. By maintaining a balance between the definition and fulfillment of the four purusharthas, a symbiotic evolution of the individual self takes place. Exclusive pursuit of one purushartha creates an imbalance in a person's life, and prevents the person from reaching the ultimate destination of their life. As a person progresses through the evolution of their soul, they find that some of the objectives eventually lose their place and importance to more predominant objectives. For example, the desire to earn wealth may diminish and disappear, or a person may come to the realization that there are no more material desires that they need to pursue, and hence more room is created for the pursuit of the ultimate objective, Moksha.

Ekatvam is founded on the four pillars of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. The mission of Ekatvam is to help people realize their True Selves, to become one with the Supreme Self in this lifetime, to achieve moksha. Often, people make the mistake of renouncing everything in the pursuit of Moksha, but that can frequently turn out to be the wrong path, and is not suited for everyone. Ekatvam is in place to help people identify their true purpose and their unique purusharthas. Ekatvam shows the way to each individual by helping people see the underlying unity, Ekatvam (oneness), of themselves with the Universe. The path for each individual to reach the ultimate destination is different, and it is only the individual self that can identify and see the path with the help of the Divine guidance.

Dharma: A person is born on this earth to perform certain duties. The soul houses itself into the physical vehicle that is the body which most suits for performing these duties. The physical work that a person needs to do, the duties of the person on this earth plane are termed as the Dharma of the person. Dharma is a difficult term to translate into English, but can roughly be translated as the rightful duty of a person. This is the true calling of a person, what they are born to do. Examples of a person's dharma are to be a doctor, teacher, writer, warrior, priest, parent etc. Sometimes a person's dharma is decided by their birth, but not necessarily so. A person's dharma can be a combination of things, and as a person progresses through life, different stages of life may call for different dharmas and purposes. Tuning into the inner guide of the heart allows a person to identify their dharma, their true calling.

Artha: Artha is the pursuit of material wealth, which brings material comforts to a person. People sometimes believe that the path of spiritual growth and pursuit of material wealth are mutually exclusive, or even that a spiritual seeker needs to be in poverty. But that is not true. If we look at the Universe, it is a reflection of abundance. Nature is abundant in everything, poverty is nothing but a state of consciousness. If abundance is the quality of the Divine, how is pursuit of abundance in contrast with the pursuit of the Divine? If one is in poverty, in a state of constantly worrying about how to support and feed, if that is what the focus is on, how can one pursue spirituality? Only when there are no worries is one able to focus their attention to the goal of union with the Divine. The important thing to remember is not to be attached to the possession or attainment of wealth. It can be either transcended or sought with detachment, and with awareness. When done in this state of mind, the pursuit of wealth is not different from the pursuit of the Divine, because one sees abundance, or wealth as a form of the Divine. And in this state of detachment, one recognizes when one has attained their financial objectives, and hence the desire to pursue automatically dies away, paving the way for Moksha.

Kama: Kama is fulfilling one's desires. Desires are in various forms -- to be wealthy, powerful, sexual needs, recognition, service, etc. The Kama purushartha advocates that one's desires in this lifetime need to be fulfilled, albeit in a state of awareness and without harming anyone in the process. For a person to evolve spiritually and to reach the ultimate destination, the barrier of desires needs to be crossed. This can be done either by fulfilling the desires, or by sublimating or transcending them. Suppressing of desires is certainly not recommended because it is like a fully coiled spring that is held down by force, it can erupt unpredictably causing undesirable consequences. As one becomes aware of their desires and one goes about fulfilling them in awareness and without judgement, one soon reaches the stage of being able to sublimate them. The Divine, the Universe, lends a big hand in the process.

Moksha: Moksha means liberation, realization of the Self, and is the ultimate destination of this human birth. It is the stage of inner realization that the individual self is the same as the Supreme Self. It is the experience of the cosmos within one's self. It is the experience of the flow and fusion of the Shiva and Shakti energies in one's self. It is the experience of union, oneness, Ekatvam, with the Universe.

As all the rivers must eventually lead to the sea, there are many spiritual paths leading to the same destination. Some paths are shorter than others, some are more arduous than others. The path can be difficult to navigate, and the path may not always be visible. A guide, in the form of a Guru is needed to traverse this path, someone who holds the person and shows them the Way to their inner Guru. It is Ekatvam's mission, and it is the Dharma of Amma and Swamiji to help people find their way to Moksha.

Source From:

Yoga Notes 2016.1.29

What's the intention or the focus while doing something ? If we have such idea of what we are going to do, only we can see the obstacles and then try to remove them.

Ganesha also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon.Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles. By chanting Ganesha mantra, people believe the god will help us remove the obstacles.

Sri Ganesha
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥
Vakra-Tunndda Maha-Kaaya Suurya-Kotti Samaprabha |
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryessu Sarvadaa ||

1: O Lord Ganesha, of Curved Trunk, Large Body, and with the Brilliance of a Million Suns,
2: Please Make All my Works Free of Obstacles, Always.

(From :

Saturday, April 23, 2016

21 April 2016 Sequence 7

I stuck in sequence 7 for few days, couldn't finished the whole sequence because of tiredness.
I felt a little frustrated and thought this phenomena would keep going til the next workshop.

But today (4/21) I was able to manage myself to start my practice again. It was so great.

12. Salabasana – 2 times 13. Makarasana – 2 times 14. Bhujangasana – 2 times 15. Urdhva mukha svanasana- 2 times – with block support for palms 16. Dhanurasana – 2 times
these back bend Asanas, I bring my awareness to my buttock. I have to remind myself all the time not to squeeze the buttock in. Although I looked like very close to the floor in all these back bend poses after adjustment , but the lengthening is very obvious and I feel comfortable doing them.

Bharadvajasana 1 – 2 times each side 
should I sit higher for the lower hipbone in the asana, or can do it when the hip level is not even.

Paschimottanasana- 1 minute – with belt support – release the back
Wondering the way I support with belt is the correct way.

The Sequence 7 is challenging with the back bends Asanas.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

17 April 2016 Sequence 6

Sequence 6
Time Duration: 1.5 Hour

Trikonasana, Virabhardasana 2
left side getting better, left buttock started to push forward easier than before.

I found out my back leg can press well better than before for both sides.

Uttanasana, Prasarita Padontanasana
I used my hands to guide my sacrum movement and they helped a lot for the stretch of hamstring.
And I tried to find a balance to avoid hyper extension on knee or bring pressure to lumbar spine.

Padangustasana (concave back)
I grabbed my shin instead of my big toe because it's easier and more efficient for the concave back I guess.

Baddha Konasana
 I couldnt sit upright in this pose, so I first leaned my back on the wall and second time I did it with hands holding my's probably caused by my tight hip joint.

Salamba Savangasana
 Found better placement of shoulder . 

16 April 2016 Restorative Yoga

I went to a school fair as a helper of my company for half day, so I decided to spend an hour to do restorative yoga.

Restorative Yoga
Time Duration: 1 hour

Supta Baddha Konasana
Adho Mukha Virasana
Viparita Karani
Supta Virasana

I felt energetic afterwards.
And that night I went to Acroyoga~

Friday, April 15, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

14 April 2016 Sequence 4

Started to wake up late today, skipped the morning meditation.

Sequence 4
Time Duration: 1.5 Hour

Trikonasana, Virabhadrasana 2, Parsvakonasana
Feel my hip opening getting better.
Left foot cant press well compared to right foot

Parivritta trikonasana
It's still challenging, I increase the height of block for hand, so that I had better control of my hip level and improved the twisting

Ardha Sirsasana
I am happy because I able to find the way to step my feet well on the wall and can stay for 2 minutes.

Supta Padangustasana, Parsva Supta Padangustasana
I focus on opening the hip, so I decrease the height of up lifting leg. 

Adho Mukha Svanasana with head support
With block support my head, I am able to stretch the hamstring and lengthening my spine.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

13 April 2016 Sequence 3

Pranayama + Meditation
Time Duration: 20 minutes

During my meditation, I keep thinking the class I am going to teach this afternoon. There is going to be a student with scoliosis problem. I roughly run the sequence of yoga asana for her in my mind and it made me hard to focus only on my breath.

I have done Ujjayi and Kapalbhati Pranayama this morning. I am able to deepen my breath in Ujjayi and clear the mucus or blockage in my trachea during kapalbhati.

Monday, April 11, 2016

12 April 2016 Sequence 2

During the meditation last night before I sleep, first I found out myself kept thinking about the class I am going to teach the next day, I started to imagine the students will show up and I giving instruction for Asanas and in my mind I was kind like thinking what are beneficial for them. Then, I realized I am not in the present again, so I bring my conscious back to my breath.

There are many other thoughts come and go but now I cant remember. At that time, I was thinking they were important and now I forgot, so it probably doesn't help my life if I thinking in advance on my mind. While, will just keep practicing.

11 April 2016 Sequence 1

Sequence 1 
Time Duration: 1 Hour

Feet together,knees will be apart
squeezing my buttock

baddhaguliyasana and urdva hastasana or urdva namaskara
rib cage easily push forward unconsciously.

Uttita Hasta padasana
Weight easily falls in to the front part of feet

Weight easily falls into the front part of feet

Virabhadrasana 2 (with chair supporting my knee bending sit bone, outer foot on the wall)
with the support of chair, I can adjust my pelvic and roll the buttock down, and I can feel the energy working from the groin of bending leg moving out to the knee. I felt the extension become deeper .

First time after long practise of yoga,  I noticed again that my hamstring still very tight. My pelvic still have space to rotate til my sacrum is parallel with the floor. From there, I able to feel the stretch of my hamstring.

Salamba Savangasana
Cant stay longer, right shoulder feel uncomfortable since I woke up this morning.
Start to practice bringing the weight on the shoulder instead of my neck or head (I thought I was doing it right, sense that part better after APRIL Darsanam Workshop). When I am able to bring the weight on my shoulder, I found out it's harder to lengthening my torso and legs til vertical.

Hip Joint opening and Ham String Stretching 
Time Duration: 1 Hour

Uttanasana with hands on blocks
I rotate my pelvic more til my sacrum parallel with the floor and straighten my legs from there, I got more stretching on hamstring and feel happy XP

forward bending with one bending leg on chair to open Hip Joint
Sense the right hip joint better than the left. So I used a mirror to observe my pelvic movement.
Should the thigh and knee cap of straight leg keep lifting up or I can just relax and focus on hip joint?

Reclined Pigeon
The pelvic easily rotate til my sacrum off the floor especially when I trying to bring the thigh closer to my torso. Thus, I have to keep control of my sacrum on the floor and aware of the natural curve on lumbar.

Utthita Padangustasana (one leg on wall)
Weight shifting too much on the straight leg sometimes, the arch of the feet of the straight leg keeps falling down without awareness. Have to find a suitable height for the leg on wall.

Repeated for Several times and I could feel it's getting better and deeper.

Back Bending and Virasana Sequence 
Time Duration: 1 Hour

Back Bending Sequence :
Ustrasana on chair --> Viparita Dandasana on chair -->urdhva dhanurasana on chair-->
Keep aware of my pelvic alignment for not hurting my back.

Virasana Sequence :
VIrasana --> urdhva hastasana --> Baddhaguliyasana --> Pashima Namaskara
weak lower back!
not easy to enter Pashima Namaskara

Ending with Setu Bandha Savangasana and Savasana.
cant keep my mind calm during savasana, even cant finish yawning.